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Summer Programme (updated)

Summer programs 2014

日期/時間 主辦院校 地點 活動名稱 簡介 截止日期
22/31000-1700 HKBU HKBU main campus Computer Science Open day Theme: Smart, Interactive and MobileProject demo, Mobile App Workshops /
29/31400-1600 HKU SKH LAM KAU MOW Secondary School My Study options at HKU Faculty of Social Science:Social Innovation, Global Citizenship, Life PlanningTarget: F.3-5 students and parents /
4/41830-2030 HKU St Francis Xavier’s College /
APR-MAY 僱員再培訓局 / 青年五月 內容:「大型星級講座」(講者:張達明)、「課程試讀班」、「面試技巧工作坊」出席3項活動可獲頒計劃證書費用:全免



15-17/7 CUHK CUHK main campus Young leaders day camp Hotel and Tourism ManagementHospitality skills, team building, mini-cooking project, etcTarget: F.4-6 students, Fee: $3000First come first serve basis 30/4
16-18/7(NEW) CityU Laboratories,CityU Science and Engineering Fun Days Fee: $100/ 1 day programme (including lunch)Target: F.4-6Will be given a certificate 20/6
12-25/7 CUHK CUHK main campus Foretaste of University life Target: F.5 studentsFee: $5500 ($2200: ranked top 10% in the form)  21/3
14,17,21,28,31/7(NEW) HKBU HKBU main Campus School of Chinese Medicine Summer Exploration Day Camp Fee: $150 (including lunch and dinner)Lectures on Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia MedicaMeet the graduates 13/6
21/7-15/8(NEW) HKUST HKUST Main Campus HKUST Summer Institute Credit-bearing courses in Science, Enginnering, Business and Management, and Humanities and Social ScienceTarget: F.4-5 30/4